48 belifes
in the God that we inherited through blesings we trust this means that the colective memory of a hors that carries his own burdain saves those who take care of him and he becomes the simbol of progres meaning the free will to fight for freadom whith bare hands that the outworked in the the most conveeneant disobedeeance with hunger and curiosity that surpasses human morals and creates a careles conventios that leads to a disfunction in our own organic harmonic principles that became giding lines for those of us who are couned as meny but who was he after if not someone else ? so not only the truth lies in ash and dust or stics and stones nor in flesh and bones but is decizions that end up becoming wine and bred or the justice that is disorved by the fall of man in time led ted here by his free will used against himgal
so now what war became norma the rithh opres the poor by geting them indeted for life the old get evicted when they finale relese themselves from social duties and everyone moves so fast to one place to an other that nobody cares to take a loock what they are stepping on and we fade in to the sun pulling out our ruuts out and then What then?
what if it toock this long to create an apearance of existence and only one moment of not payng atention to become reality and reality needs to what now.
will the feeling of being robed end with them? why was i a simple librarian that hopefuly pleged for something beter for them to deal with our hopes but the second time after the first rownd one felt like i sold everithing i had and lost more then i bugaind for or it was just a feeling like i was left with the value a real panic like one in a dream but palpable without a reason after just receved my paycheck but its value became a ghost and now it all became real they are using a contry as lown domy to milk its value indeting something that they alredy had the contry was pennyles all it ha was the value of its potentian the name and its belongings and they used everything torning it into a number that they torned into chas and pay themselvs with it to worck for this contry with the walue of the pontential that it had but now it is all sold as debt and averething with value lost potential an remained oly hopes i hope i am rong about this but i also feel like if nobody fough agaist them they wil work for whai it has been gambleld
P.s. do not fall for bad dreams fight for them
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