marți, 31 ianuarie 2023

neco crono

 48 de vieti purtate cu demnitate

some say she went to see who rained from haven with angel feathers for cats to catch them as they fall and take them back to where they belonged where life although unfair but as fair as we are and we make it in our own  image and as we are going with it with all the choices that we make or not become not our ones but life becomes ourselves in the place that we happen to be with only the clothes that we wear at the time knowing that we are what we are remembered by for those who have something to remember us by and then when all we can remember our self's by from our memories become none but our ones and you can see clearly who you are and how others would like you to be and you see old people saying they are waiting to move on but life lets them wait to see life begin again and feel sad to live as life just begins again but their beginnings can not be lost in time as life moves on with new ones and then as life changes into new clothes you say cheers to mothers who save the continuity of life as we stay in touch with places and persons that make us feel like ourselves and change us and them into the persons that we tend to be and eventually become either one even evan if we want it or not the paces and persons that we tie our self's to become what we are so in honorable memory of those who modeled our life by choosing to care for us and us choosing to understand the way we need to be modeled and raised from our child age to the one that we tend to be and then jump into life as if we try to save our self's from the useless passage of time without us being in it trying to predetermine things the way we want them to be but times determine them self's by the moment and their age you find them in your life people build and model the paths that they step on and on those paths you find your way home and guide those who come after you to the origins that make you feel like your self as long as at the end of the path you find some familiar place called home and some people to call parents as new people make their way up into the family tree other fall like an old leaf in winter looking up to the tree that they helped grow changing their purpose by helping their roots others to bloom connecting trough new bondages trees that heal the earth that they live on and you feel and know when one comes out the oven to bake new bred or when it need to be cleared from the ashes that did its job and need to step down from the furnace that metamorphoses food into life with safe and warm motherhood and respects the order of the way life goes by growing birds capable of flite and being sad as they go away wishing they find their way to their own home and the home where they want to be depending on the path the wheel of life falls on its course.

p.s. in honor of my grand mothers that passed and the one that still does her job and lived their life with all the dignity they had available in their times.

vineri, 13 ianuarie 2023

legile naturale si pietrificarea ispitelor cu judecăți gravitationale

 ispita judecatorului aruncata  de pe stancă si sfărâmarea fărădelegii prin îmlinirea legii?! în 48 de articole

mediocritatea si superlativul integritatea și defăimarea se pot suprapune Cand orizontul se descătusează dar nu se împătimeste in cei doi antagonisti care creează o curiozitate bivalent răufamată ideologic dar care poate creea un mediu polivalent cand imaginea marelui ecran este incetosata de valori antagonice in functie de cine doreste să invinga atractivul prin învingerea raului de unde polarizăm pozitiv in bine sau rau atractiv sau deznodămant acceptabil? si totusi invincibilitatea raului da dovada de o deturnare a binelui omniprezent inexistenta fiind mai galagioasă datorita marginii neantice cu care se dezlipeste neputincios de bine dand din colt in coltul binelui inexistenta fiind auto insușirea acestei inexistente introvertite in extrovergenta atot existenta a binelui asa ca valoarea si non valoarea nu au valori egale ci doar guralivitatea apendicului creează iluzia unei egalități de aceea in constiinta ramane implementate moartea binelui inainte de moartea raului pentru indreptatirea binelui dar cine este salvatorul si cine isi asumă această puterea pantocratică cine isi poate asuma această popularitate secretă cand aflarea la indemana nu este la indemana oricui si luarea in desert a apei vietii contrazice firea  cand inconsienta se coboara ca o noapte generală iar un plan mediorcu nu isi are locul cand faptul e implinit fiind necesara doar aplicarea orbecăita a planului in afara orizontului vizual lasand punctul focal in spatele orizontului iar examenul maturității este doar o deraiere de la valori maturitatea avand ca odiectiv lupta de recladire a valorilor scizionate de decizii pripite avand ca obiectiv maturizarea precoce oprirea fortată spe a asuma maturitatea fiind creata de o cardere aparent inexistentă dar percepută si pusa la dispozitie dar neclintirea in fata acestui val aperceptiv doboară pe cel ce il vede si pe cel ce nu il vede ramanand in picioare inocentul care presimte raul dar nu stie cum sa reactioneze ultimul cuvand fiind regretul iar caderea se face din perspectiva privitorului resimtind lovitura cu o moralitate paralela cu cea a motivului caderii dubla incertitudine avand invataturi valorice diferite imprietenite dar divergente iar calatoria spre deznodamantul care rezolba echilibrul moral al finalului pune in schimb valoarea calatoriei de dupa final in contrabalans cu valorificarea echilibrului momentan mentinerea aparenta a binelui in lo de o totala remascare a raului neavand un succes comercial decisiv cand totul este pus pe masa in ziua postului chiar daca nu esti invitat ai platit deja biletul pentru a te uita  problema cu trezirea din acest vis este ca realitatea este tesută cu fire fine de vise care ne acopera ochii pentru a nu vedeqa dincolo de lumina

p.s. clisee rememorate pe post de reguli de comportament ale realitatii creează o falsă revelare a unui deznodamant cu final fericit.