miercuri, 30 decembrie 2020

odă celor care aduc înțelepciunea

 48 de Cuvinte alese

aceasta scurtă rememorare a celor ce își merită respectul va fi în limba maternă pentru ca ei sunt cărțile vii pe care le poți deschide la orice pagină din prezent pentru a descoperi tinerețea lor veșnica sustrasă și izvorâtă din înțelepciune.

puțini sunt cei care marchează cu atemporalitate sufletele trecătoare prin acest hău care ne înghite și pe care îl numim prezent dar cei ce sunt veșnici vor rămâne pe acest pământ neruginiți de vârstele vieții și totuși ne distanțăm ca înainte de prima oară de a ne cunoaște și redevenim pietre obosite ce port în spinare valuri ce ne cronometrează pașii spre o potecă dinspre largul mării unde ne bătătorim veacul temporar și ne lăsam înghițiți de preambuluri de plămezile răscoapte ale minții temătoare de atemporalul pericol de luptă cu pentru și împotriva stăpânitoarei lumi secularizate și ne îngrămădim prin colțuri contradictorii ale minții pentru a uni unghiurile cercului spre infinitul punct descentrat. cât mai ducem această povară a neantului impalpabil până unde ne duce această informație inutilă cât vom mai rătăci datorită perzării cugetului nerăscumpărat?

și totuși jertfa celor înțelepți lasă urme de nădejde neputinciușilor acestei lumi ce pare a se dezmierda în propriai pierzare. și doar cei copți fără metehne nădăjduiesc izbânda veșniciei

p/s/ înapoi la nevoia de odihnă parcă pași-mi repezi și mici se îndrept spre propriile-mi origini simțind îndepărtarea acesteia în transparența recurentă a timpului reflectat spre trecut.

pagini scurte rânduri lungi pasul minții îsi pierde agerimea de a vedea dincolo da aproapele perceptibil al gândirii reoglindite în reluare.

duminică, 22 noiembrie 2020

The I'm done moment

48 sounds that make you feel good about life

My first word was the fridge, I remember it as the one that abstractly became a representation of the real object and all that it represented. But now I can't recall the need of not being independent, but then being a human is mandatory, a useful part and tool and wheel that makes the world move and at the same time lets you live your life, more about this later, so I have a  problem becoming trapped in my own bad choices, a tyrant of my own world not being able to fit in it and then being bullied into a corner that I can't escape without being cruel to my own beliefs, but doing this I recall those important choices of my life happened with a good intention but with a bad plan that integrated my dishonest intentions; but when good circumstances push you into a good place and the past that pushed you into those circumstances call you back and invade your peace asking for revenge requesting your serenity and pouring uncertainty in its place. what am I to do when nothing starts as a certain past and all that I need to do is build a new path, a free one, one that hasn't been walked on but mirrors some sparks of the path that should have been, the one that should have been a step forward before jumping ahead of my plan straight to the result. without jumping ahead to conclusions I am doing a bendy job at being responsible for my steps into eternity pushing them into quick sandy pits, planning ahead was not a good plan but planning backward so the past pushes the future against its will as a free choice became a willing to do fact but then time doesn't pass pushed with its back pushed against the wall, but then what is the right path ask for permission in a non-permissive world or am I just knocking at the wrong dor caring its weight on my past changing my path for a better one to fit it to weight that I am caring

p s I forgot to tell you about the resemblances of my past and how I found a way to correct it but instead of correcting it I am fucking it up really bad.

ps ps losing slowly my interest in higher than live objectives or better yet releasing myself from its bounds but was it so bad, the abyssal metaphysical part exchanged for the and real-life part.

miercuri, 11 noiembrie 2020

Shortcutted feelings

48 times wanting everything for a short period of time.

loosing my own style for a different more approachable way of showing what I am thinking so here it is 

. for another time, this shoes you that nothing lasts forever but everything can be lost in a glimpse of time.

most of the times I was writing for the fun of it to find unknown meanings of words and to discover more than I meant to say and then the past travels back into the future to tell me that everything is going to be ok. in my solitude I wondered what I had to do to get out of this state of mind without the usual dose of timeless joy that kicks the joy of life out of my brain as fast as it reached the climax but when all the things seemed to be aligned for the next event it all comes to a sudden crush against forward-moving gravity and puts you into a sudden stop to show you that everything isn't meaningless when the brain urges for the acceptable images that are requested like a stop to a gas station when in fact the only joy you get is the bitter taste of the money spent on the expensive gas and the head pains that the long ride of redemption gives you. but then for the joy of being alone, you don't get an așternatife like ham and avocado with caramelized onion but you always can go back to old friendships and all you're mistakes in sted of handpicked corrections you get autocorrected words that fill your nonsense with vivid smartness and you're solitude gets filled with grammar useless comas that shortcuts and rewires your brain into the bad person that you successful hid for all this time

ps. always be ahead of your own time and don't let bad feelings conquer you

duminică, 18 octombrie 2020

it didnt all begin where it all ended

 Forty-eight streets that I haven't walked

I find myself in the same spot hopples and homeless walking the streets for a temporary lapse of time but then will have a home for better or worse thank god for the guidelines. Let's not walk the opposite way without correcting myself along the way so let's walk closer to the beginnings I don't remember where I was born but I most likely had my next in line came to live close to that spot as I now realize.  so what else do I have to do now? as I remember I never knew but I knew that my own greatness will bring me back to the same place I needed to escape from both physically and psychically. I now understand I took a wrong turn that brought me back to understand what I wasn't understanding in the first place although it is not very important I think I am beyond the moment that a needed to need myself because only know I am in the position of understanding where I needed to be and what I needed to understand so this is my letter to my younger self when I needed to understand my purpose in life more than ever:

Dear Valy 

I know you hate being called that name and that you act cool accepting it but you know love will be channeled through it by your loved one's either way even if it is a weird one, feelings and attention are sincere and you will eventually overcome it or it will make you overcome your self making you a lucky bastard. you will eventually finish school and if I may say something you overstressed it and you took grades to personally but in the end, you finished it you could have done a better job but you did it anyway, you have done something more than going to school at a point you find school fun but you still need to work on that which is a good thing you can always go back and continue the fun when you will have time. now you are working it's nice but it has the potential to be exponentially better. you traveled a lot and it was great I hope I will travel the world at least where I traveled until now. by the way, you had your time of freedom and it was great but it had the reverse you needed to be free when you realised yourself from a burden that stripped you of your environment but you always have a crush plan and that makes you sometimes lucky by controlled circumstances,  some things are a thing now like buying lots of stuff that sometimes you don't need but it is a way to realize the stress of the useless stress and afford that you put in at work, I know that you feel pressured to be mean to you sister because she is a girl and you are a boy but don't be stupid your sister followed you when life seemed it reached a dead end you're gave meaning to the word supported by family only by being there indifferent to the trouble being a sister was natural to her unlike you stupid were you a real brother to your sister if you where more like an disgraceful nenemy you should take a rock and hit youre self but if you are and should be a real brother you shud crush the enemies of your sister ivan if it crushes you insted at leas you would have done your job of the brother? so take youre shit autside and far away with you did and it was great you shoudn have done it but as it seems now i dont know eventualy it happend to everybody that doesnt ask for too much and surprise you got maried se seamed perfect but something changed girls are like onions dressed like tasty apples nice to see but bad to eas and to late after you take a byte youre wife gave you a sun he is great but you where fuly apsent working on youre freedom and his but he is to yung to understand and this letter may be valid for him to if he finds it worthy he is a realy nice dud but not so frendly but he understands that i realy care for him and nou you are discovering you have a daughter and this is uncharter realm so on this matter i will come back to you later. I have bad news I don't know how this will affect you before it happens but you're grandparents you should show them how much you care for them because their time goes faster than yours and give them the advice to take it easier and be there for them more than for yourself you should be there for them because when you chose yourself you lose them. this is it, for now, it all be good and everything painful ore hard will pass fast, and everything you will need it will be done enjoy life and don't worry you will find great friends but you should be careful because friends have samurai blades hidden and your lack of interest in their personal life will go against you then you will get absently involved in it cutting both ways.

by the way, I forgot to tell you about your hobbies you will like puzzles don't ask me how you will love books almost too late you will love movies and you should keep a list because you will lose their number you will love anime manga(will understand later) and japan for a too short period of time because it needs time to be invested in and sports and football actually you are a very fast runner and a very aggressive player witch is both not good and good. you will lose a lot of time precious time energy and life and opportunities and concentration and respect and self-respect and gain body odors by concentrating and searching for girls all the time there are way more fun ways to live life and not get bored don't get lost in girl addictive stuff you may understand sooner or later what I mean.

this is all I think. don't lose faith, never underestimate or disrespect your faith you are not an atheist you just have a lot of unanswered questions that eventually will be answered in full detail don't worry.

P:S: you are not stupid you are just dyslexic it will be ok don't get lazy fight it and when you get tired just take a nap. you should keep a diary it's fun. you will have a car thank your mother for me, see eventually she is a nice lady don't get confused everybody cares about you but not too much in the end.

time passes really fast keep up the good work. a lot of by the ways happened in your life that is worthy of mentioning but up there at the top is traveling and doing to monasteries don't get confused just heads up when you have the chance to encounter them

vineri, 26 iunie 2020

paper thin technology

48 rainbows out of a book

have you played with a ruler and then set it on a sheet of paper? it doesn't matter it is sensitive to static energy or a magnetic field or something like that.
what if that thin piece of paper was transparent when untouched but when touched it turns into a screen with the help of rainbow paint or the dark ink effect with rainbow sparkly dust effect, will you need a power bank? it will be on your wrist or finger and use the conductibility of your skin, to begin with, and when untouched the magnetic field of a special static sensitive material bord set on your desk or in the material of your shirt. all it needs is sunlight and the light that the paper absorbs will be reflected after being shredded into rainbows from the different layers of the paper as images. a rainbow can be easily seen o a piece of paper but you can choose what you can see in that rainbow.

technical-tactical characteristics
you need a story for this sheet of paper screen and it goes like this: imagine a book, a special book with bible like thin pages that is sensitive to its surrounding it absorbs energy every single letter from that book absorb magnetic waves radio waves atmospheric pressure gravitational kinetic static waves and so on . what if the light behaves as a conductor and you see the images not in the light but through the light, remember the moon like shadows of an eclipse what if Einstein was not wrong but the conductor of a deeper meaning that involves gravity as well. what if time is distorted by matter and time is only the mater traveling through space and the light gives it the color of existence that travels both faster and slower then light. this is only but a dream piked up from the messy trash can that is my mind but we all have dreams that blossom outside of this simple world.
let us make this dream real imagine your favorite book you have it with you in your backpack it has hardcovers that act as a power bank for your book sign that book sign is your window into the virtual world and the light acts as your portal you are also its power source.
so the first mode is black ink foto sensitive mode
the second is contact mode and the
 third is the contactless mode

luni, 25 mai 2020

Distopic sau pesimism contra speranța și ne ignoranță.

48 de individualizări introspective ale părerilor despre circumstanțele în care sunt  pre atașat detașat  organic integrat.

Sunt trei feluri de oameni pe lumea asta 
Cei care știu sa numere pana la trei și cei care nu știu de aia apar acele doua categorii de oameni a celor care pot extrapola din informații incomplete
Adică cei care nu știu cei care știu și cei care se afla în procesul de învățare completând propozițiile neterminate ale Educatorului prin intuiție logica repetiție rememorare experiența și curajul de a îndrăzni sa răzbată necunoscutul

și totuși importanța primei păreri impulsive este flacăra care ține lumânarea aprinsă. asta ține de orizontul imaginației și de natura acestea de a edeniza realitatea imediat următoare sau de a o compromite la impactul cu realitatea. de aceea omul este trihotomic cel care a fost cel care este și cel care va fi problema apare atunci când natura celor trei deși una comună diferă în funcție de direcția în care perspectiva cu care trăim realitatea este abordată privind spre viitor ștergând experiența constructivă a trecutului trăind prezentul ca pe o continuă resursă inepuizabilă risipind resursele dobândite sau potențiale și în viitor sărăcind prezentul de oportunități prin investiția continuă în realități intangibile. ei bine multitudinea variantelor și combinațiilor de împreunare a celor trei în funcție de dozaj poate căpăta o problemă matematică dar și o caracteristică aleatorie în funcție de gravitatea normelor de implicare responsabilizare sau compromitere.

Fericirea nu este palpabila dar este transmisibilă e doar ceva ce reprezintă un alt ceva determinata doar de intenția de a fi sau nu în funcție de un stimul. Problema e ca orice reacție interna redresată va caută stimuli artificiali da a externa liza potențiala energie pentru a fi decantate. Doar ca obligativitatea autocenzurii unor caracteristici de personalitate adică intrinseci nu arbitrare poate crea tulburări de comportament necaracteristice persoanei în cauză; mai apare și inadaptarea la un mediu restrictiv care te concepe drept persoana reprezentata de caracteristicile auto represive. Bineînțeles ca toate mediile sunt arbitrate de circumstanțe iar adaptarea este necesară. dar ca cel care ești integrat poți fi perceput ca bun rău sau inadaptat sau bun pentru altceva in afara sistemului ceea ce te supune unei imparțialități în necunoștință de cauză poți fi mai puțin decât imparțial ca predefinit pentru ca binele este bine și răul este rău iar natura liberului arbitru este de a reprezenta binele prin urmare obiectivul liberului arbitru este de facilita libertatea de a face bine și de a fi parte din grup prin dobândire de abilități și integrarea acestora în cerințele postului indiferent de vocație sau predestinație care pot fi readaptate în funcție de distopiile sau utopiile în care te poți integra timpul și spațiile personale.

P. s. familie casă grădina carieră morală societate educație neam demnitate muncă devotament călătorii în diferite scopuri toate sunt spații existente concomitent independente și integrate.

sâmbătă, 9 mai 2020

let s have fun and play with math

48 unbroken laws completed enhansed enlighted and extended to their multiple infinite potential

let us beghin with the multiple personalities of the same fundamental infinit defined as whithout end
i fown that the infinite has three tipes of his own but the are not identical to each other the first one is the cercle infinit ore c tipe infinit the seclond one is the cquare infinit or the c q tipe infinite and the third one is the triangle infinite or the t tipe infinite.

they are diferent and can not be identical because thei head in diferent direction and have diferent ways in wich they reach infinite potential so the first one that we can explain is the tit infinite there are two of the same one with plus one with minus heading oposite directions the second one is  the cute sferic infinite an is conected to the circle and the pi number it heads within itself being part of the same nature the circle that has a nature of the infinite returning endlesly to his own begining without reaching his end creating a spiral movenent inside his nature
the tird one is the qlit inhinite i havent decided yes witch one to name clit ore cute because i save to find a reason to name them this way so the square one in the infinite space bethween two consecutive numbers that split into halfs can not reach infinite without anddin one and can not define it into a real form witrout losing a haf

this simple three forces of the infinite can be found in nature in their countinous form like in the two ore three forces that create gravity because every math low has to be proven in nature or at least use nature as a guide lo in witch our probleams nead to end begin and in witch direaction in needs to lead us

p.s we win pput math in practice on an othet bog post good luck and mey the force of gravitie be with you
 pps i wil spell and grandma corect this later

sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2020

sâmbătă, 11 ianuarie 2020

departe de arbore

48 de sesizări insesizabile

trist cu un pas in aceealasi abis aproape sa cad caut refugiul in zor aici.
VUn pic de durere te face profund,
Mai multă durere te-afundă prea mult.
C-un pic de avere n-ai lipsuri în casă,
Cu multă avere n-ai somn şi te-apasă.
Un pic de-mplinire te face mai bun,
Prea multă împlinire te face nebun.
Un pic de putere te face mai tare,
Prea multă putere pe alţii îi doare.
C-un pic de respect eşti încrezător,
Cu prea mult respect devii sfidător.
Un pic de-ngrijire te ţine mai bine,
Prea multă îngrijire-i o hibă-n gândire.
C-o slujbă, desigur, ai pâine pe masă,
Dar dacă ai zece, n-ai masă, n-ai casă.
Păstrează, creştine, măsura în toate,
Deloc nu e bine, iar prea mult te-abate
Încet, dar şi sigur de la pocăinţă
Şi te pricopseşte c-o altă credinţă.

mai multe https://www.voci.ro/dreapta-masura/

dar nu e asta totul ce ar fi daca ce se intampla intre marile puteri este doar o simpla escapada din cele ce par a fi cotidiene unul arunca cu o piatra unul cu un bat ca sa nu para mai prejos toate trec dar tu ai trecut pe unde ai nevoie si esti asteptat? nu? stiu ca nu azi dar poate data viitoare cu nerabdare astept sa trec.
 daca acesta ar fi un decalog nu ar fi cel pe care mi-l pot avea dar poate cerurile se vor linisti natura va abunda dinou ploile vor cadea la timp si noi vom trai linistiti la locurile noastre.

P.S. tot ce te incojoara espe si poate va fi familiar si pentru cei ce inca nu ii cunost dar poate infamiliaritetea uitarii ne va lasa sa ne familiarizam cu un mediu care nu ne va parasi pana cand nu il vom parasi de buna voie.